File Format:
We accept the following file formats: .TIF, .EPS, .AI, .PSD, .JPG, .PNG & .PDF.
Microsoft Publisher and/or Microsoft Word files will more than likely contain problems, we will not be responsible for how those designs turn out, they generally contain low resolution images.
All door hanger file formats must have a minimum of 300 dpi (dot per inch) resolution at 100% of the final print size.
Images designed for the web typically cannot be used for printing as they have a low screen resolution of 72 dpi. Print images need to be created at 300 dpi or there will be a substantial drop in the image quality.
e.g. 3.5"x 8.5" Door Hanger resolution: 300 dpi (1050 pixels x 2550 pixels)
Color Mode:
All Full Color Door Hanger artwork and/or images must be provided in CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) color mode. If your design is in RGB mode your colors will appear muted when printed.
Please build your print-ready digital files by adding 0.125" bleed to each dimension (or 0.05" bleed on all four sides).
e.g. 3.5"x 8.5" Door Hanger with full bleed is 3.75"x 8.75"